If Only Oceans were like the US

I’ve been thinking about  ocean acidification,  the ongoing decrease in the pH of the Earth’s oceans due to global warming.  What to do? Last post considered the possibility of   adding iron in the ocean to stimulate phytoplankton, which consume CO2 and ultimately reduce acidification. In theory.

Risky. All sorts of unknown unknowns. Likely unintended consequences.

To which my first thought is: well, that’s life. Not acting is risky too.

The problem with the oceans is that they’re all connected. So how to experiment in one area with triggering a ripple (hah!) effect? Can areas of experimentation be confined? Like adding iron in a sea where natural barriers prevent, or minimize, spread?

That’s the idea of the US: states as centers of experimentation. If an experiment works, other states will copy it. If not, well at least the damage is contained to Missouri.

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